Dev Log

Creating my OSU game was relatively simple, but there were times where. It lengthened the development process by a while.

I started of. with the first slide, where I have the first note the player will be pressing to proceed onto the next slide. I did add animations to the note  for when it appears and vanishes onto the next. I then added an action to the note which takes you to the next slide once it is pressed, that action is responsible for the bulk of the game play. Afterwards I added the music I wanted the to have playing in the background, I did have to adjust the timing of the note to make sure that it matched a certain beat. I then added a background and a “RETRY” text  box that has its own animation of sliding up to the middle if you fail. I then gave it an action that tacks you to the start menu once clicked. 

After all of that I was ready to duplicate it onto the next slide, and all that I really needed to do at that point was change the note location and adjust the timing. which it would appear in order to match the beat. while that does sound easy, and in theory it is, but in reality it was a difficult process because, to confirm each slide/note matched, I constantly had to replay it many times  and few hours passed by when I got a quarter of the way through, and the music I went with was in the face-paced side so I had to speed up the timing of certain notes then replay them to make sure they matched.  I did end up picking a different song because, the first one took a while to get quarter of the way in, so I ended up picking a shorter track with a simpler beat, and while I did have to restart, it did not take as long as the first song and was able to get through the developing quite efficiently. but it will still provide a good challenge to players. The game is ready to play and I hope People enjoy it.


Rock the Dragon Osu 2.pptx 5 MB
39 days ago

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